
當前位置:首頁 > 全部產品 > 生化試劑 > 分離試劑 > pET-32a(+) NobleRyder D0064;哈爾濱供應pET-32a(+) NobleR

pET-32a(+) NobleRyder D0064;哈爾濱供應pET-32a(+) NobleR

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  • 更新時間:2024-08-28
  • 廠家性質:經銷商

北京諾博萊德科技有限公司供應pET-32a(+) NobleRyder D0064量大優惠,咨詢 :


pET-32a(+) NobleRyder D0064



北京諾博萊德科技有限公司供應pET-32a(+) NobleRyder D0064量大優惠,咨詢 :      1215878164

載體大小: 5900 bp
5' 測序引物:S Tag primer
測序引物:T7 terminator primer
The pET-32 series is designed for cloning and high-level expression of peptide sequences fusedwith the 109aa Trx Tag thioredoxin protein . Cloning sites are available for producing fusionproteins also containing cleavable His Tag and S Tag sequences for detection and puri cation.Unique sites are shown on the circle map. Note that the sequence is numbered by the pBR322 convention, so the T7 expression region is reversed on the circle map. The cloning/expression regionof the coding strand transcribed by T7 RNA polymerase is shown below. The f1 origin is oriented
so that infection with helper phage will produce virions containing single-stranded DNA that corre-sponds to the coding strand. Therefore, single-stranded sequencing should be performed using theT7 terminator primer.








北京諾博萊德科技有限公司位于北京市海淀區,是一家專業從事生化試劑、分子生物學試劑、實驗耗材及實驗儀器研發、銷售、服務為一體的生物科技公司,公司主要經營的進口品牌包括Qiagen, Omega, Sigma, Invitrogen, Roche, Abcam, Santa cruz, FermantasMBI, NEB, BD, Peprotech, Abnova, R&D systerms, GE, Biovision, Millipore, Amresco, Merck, CST, Axygen, Corning, NUNC, Thermo fihser, Eppendorf等;產品涉及化工原料、生化試劑、分子克隆相關試劑、細胞培養及檢測常用試劑、實驗室常用耗材及儀器。

pET-32a(+) NobleRyder D0064




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